Will Migrating From Drupal To WordPress Supercharge Your Site

Supercharge Your Site

To Drupal or not to Drupal. That is the question. WordPress is, by far, the most popular blogging platform. But Drupal is a strong industry peer. That’s because they offer a few distinct differences that will make one platform more suitable than the other for particular needs. Perhaps you have already created your site on Drupal and are now second-guessing your decision and wonder if migrating from Drupal to WordPress is the thing do. Let’s explore each platform’s strengths and see where it leads you.

What They Share

Drupal and WordPress are both free, open source software that can be used even by technical novices to create and manage a website. They make this easy by offering templates and themes to create site visuals. Collections of extensions, modules and plugins allow for function customization with features like galleries, social media links, calls to action, etc. The process to launch a site is quick and easy for both, although the process is different for each.

How They Differ

The details of differences are what will make one platform have more or less appeal when compared to the other. This doesn’t necessarily mean that one is better than the other, only that it is better suited for a user’s skill level, site demands or some other factor. Let’s look at the differences between the elements that are the most common concerns of users:

Making Changes

We are all entitled to change our minds, right? A theme might be chosen and then, later on, you decide its functionality is not exactly what you are looking for. A change is in order. WordPress users can access the Appearance management page and change their theme with the click of a mouse directly from the site’s theme directory. You can also change a Drupal theme but it’s not as simple. You have to leave your site, search for your theme, locate its URL and then enter the URL in your site’s Theme management page. Ease of use and site management is a hallmark of WordPress’ reputation, and not just for theme changes. For user simplicity, WordPress wins.


With the White House as a user on Drupal’s blogging platform, that reference pretty much speaks for itself as to security. But that doesn’t mean that users of WordPress have anything to fear. Statistically, WordPress does experience more malware attacks than its peers. However, it is also the most widely used website platform in use. It may be that the one thing that makes WordPress so popular, the sheer number of its customizable features, is what makes it more vulnerable. For instance, a poorly coded, obsolete plugin may still be actively used simply because it is difficult for WordPress to keep up with the scope of the issue. In the case of security, Drupal’s smaller catalog of modules and themes becomes a strength.

The Meaning Of Architecture

Although WordPress and Drupal are both considered content management systems, the architecture in place to handle content is different for each. Consider what it is that you want to do. Are you primarily wanting to be a blogger offering written posts, feature digital imaging, videos, discussion groups with followers, etc.? Are you interested in posting creative content yet be fully e-commerce capable? Both platforms can achieve these goals. However, WordPress is considered to be the stronger blogging platform. Drupal makes it easy to create and manage a fully-functional, complex site. In order for e-commerce to function on WordPress it takes more work to integrate the right plugins and widgets. With Drupal, they have one-size-fits-all options that are simple and easy for anyone to use. Also consider your obligation to provide customers with the best security for their sensitive information. For creative content strong sites, opt for WordPress. If e-commerce is where most of your activity lies, go with Drupal.

When In Doubt

If you have already built a website and have established a strong following and online presence, you certainly don’t want to make the wrong decision. It could very well prove disastrous. When in doubt, take your time. Consult with professionals who have expertise in technical strategies, fine-tuning online infrastructure, and site development. Companies like Ndevr, who has been building digital properties for more than 15 years, can offer guidance on whether you should migrate your site or stay put.

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