Showing the Association of American Publishers Case Study

With about 400 members, the Association of American Publishers (AAP) is the largest trade organization representing commercial, digital learning and education and professional publishers alongside independents, non-profits, university presses and scholarly societies.

Project Goal

The Client (a.k.a AAP) came to Ndevr after multiple iterations of failure with another agency to implement the redesign of the responsive site. In addition to completing the responsive site, AAP also wanted to integrate single sign on with the netForum application currently being used on other enterprise applications.


Our Solution

Ndevr restructured media queries and cleaned up the templates to properly respect the standard responsive architecture. Also, templates and CSS were updated for SEO while analytics were added for proper tracking. Additionally, a custom module was created to integrate the netForum API for the single sign on to Avectra.

For the first time in way too long I can see the end. It’s exciting to see it all coming together. Thank you Ndevr for taking on this project.
Eleanor Russell


AAP and Ndevr successfully launched the responsive site within short turnaround time. SSO (single sign on) was integrated properly with the Avectra. Ndevr leveraged JIRA and frequent communications with the client to make sure all the tasks remained on schedule.