FoleyHoag Vertical Marketing

Multisite WordPress

Project Goal

Speak directly to an audience’s needs without cluttering their experience with other focus areas of the firm. As the firm grows into new verticals, give the ability to create new vertical sites without a development teams’ involvement.

In addition, each marketing site has a different set of users, some are shared across various sites, and content can now be cross posted to other vertical sites when necessary.


Our Solution

A marketer can update the look and feel of a site including logo, colors and writers. By leveraging our work, each site can live independently while maintenance is shared throughout the platform for cost savings.

The marketers can now also easily create new sites from scratch with the same ability to manage it independently of the other sites.


We were able to launch the sites with the multisite platform. The marketing team can now easily update and/or create a new site on demand using theme customizer Ndevr developed.